Solitary Spidey

If you were a superhero you would surely put the universe in front of your interest so much that you would allow yourself to be forgotten even by those who are close to you. You’d figure that those beloved would still be alive and at least you stand a second chance to rebuild your relationship. The beginning might be awkward but given time all would be all right.

This kind of plot is not really new. At least we saw it in one other Disney movie : The little mermaid where Ariel had to sacrifice her voice to get herself a pair of legs to walk, be human and meet her beloved Eric the prince. Marvel studios is part of Disney so I should not be a surprise to have similarity in plots

I did enjoy watching the last installment of Spiderman. You would see three Spideys in a same movie with all of their respective villains. While some part of the plot might be debatable (I couldn’t mention it here without spoiling the reader hence I would leave it to the reader to find it after watching the movie). This movie is packed with action, typical Spidey style. You would not get less than that. I would wonder how this movie was shot and edited. It looks slick and perfect.

Toward the end of the movie Peter Parker looks disappointed as his girl friend and best friend did not recognized him at all. Her aunt, the last of her family had passed away hence essentially Peter Parker is nobody. People would still see Spidey around helping them to fight the bad guys, but the inner side of Spidey would remains a mystery

Even super hero would need friends. After all when they are off duty they would need someone to share life with. In isolation one would be incomplete apparently. Even the hermits in the middle of dessert would still in dialogue with other. That other could be persona like God. But it would be hard for one to remain in solitary, alone but with his/her thoughts.

After all we all came from families. No one was born alone. The Christians believe that the Lord of Universe reincarnated as human and he was born to a family. He experienced how it was to be a child, depended on his parents. He would need the warmth of being part of a family. That is after all the essence of being human. In relationship with others. That applies to the Lord of the Universe. Surely to Spidey too

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